
Concoction for Keeping Mice At Bay

(4) Bay leaves
If you want to keep rodents and insects at bay, plant some dried laurel branches in strategic locations and replace them as they get dry. You may avoid worrying about replacing the dried leaves by strategically placing pots at the doors of your property to ward them off.

5. Graphite sheet
This strategy requires us to conceal potential climbing surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. They can't climb it because the aluminum foil is too slippery, and they're scared off by the noise it produces.

6. A DIY spray for warding off mice
You will need some spicy peppers to whip up a DIY spray that will keep mice at bay. The heat level of these peppers determines how effective they are. Because it is possible to irritate your hands and some skin, I advise that you use protective gloves.

First things first:

half a gallon of water
Half a cup of chopped jalapeo pepper (preferably habanero)
Chili pepper seeds, 2 tablespoons
How to prepare and utilize it:

Combine all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth and combined.
After combining everything, we sealed the jar and let it aside to steep for a day.
When the moment is right, we strain the concoction and transfer the liquid to a spray bottle.
Particularly in areas where we anticipate their occurrence, we liberally spray the whole home. Avoid getting it on carpets and furniture; it may leave stains.
We can make our own mouse repellent spray at home and save money in the process!

7. Linens for dryers
Mice despise the distinct odor of these dryer sheets, which goes by many names. The only thing we need to do is position these wipes at potential mouse entry points. These wipes need to be replaced every two weeks.

8. Bug spray
Mothballs provide an additional odor that these rodents find intolerable. They work well, but beware if you have kids or dogs around; they're poisonous if swallowed.

9. You should have a cat.
As soon as they sense movement, cats will go on the prowl. Our pet sheds fur and releases scents that mice can smell and taste, so they avoid your home as much as possible while they're there.

By doing so, we may successfully deter these little rodents without causing them any damage.

Number ten: the tomato and spiral technique
Tomatoes and spiral pesticide may be used to provide a pest deterrent.
To begin, thinly slice the tomato. Scatter the spiral insecticide over the tomato slices and set them aside in a basin. Apply the pesticide equally to the tomato slices, and then place them in rat and mouse-prone locations. Pests like rats will flee from the area if they smell the tomato and spiral pesticide together.

Once the rats get acclimated to the scent, which will dissipate after a few days, you may boost the efficacy of the repellant by repeating this step every few days.